Over 200 New Year New me Part 43

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I have been clean eating and exercising for 2 weeks now and I am sticking to it and not falling off this wagon anymore.I will reach my goal weight by the end of this year if not sooner.I just burnt 476 calories running on my elliptical.I CAN DO THIS and I WILL


  • Yes you can!! We are all in this together : ) Keep up the good work!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    woot woot I know u can and will!
  • Great attitude!! I am with you!! keep it up
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    You can do it Ann!!!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    thanks gals I am so ready to see the new me revealed.I want to see the person I am on the inside reflect me outside
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Ann, Congrats for staying focused for 2 whole weeks! Simply Amazing!!!

    I have to confess I had a krispy Kream donut today.... they opened on close to my children's religious school and DH had to stop and check it out.

    that's the only *bad* thing I had today. I will stay focused...stay focused...I hope I stay focused..ugh!

    got to go, have a great night!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Way to go, Ann!

    Laila-- 1 doughnut is okay. I'm REALLY proud of you for just eating one!

    (Hello 2nd trimester!!! :drinker:)
    (Oh, and my ticker isn't lying. My gut is seriously starting to poke out. I'm a little bummed because I feel like I look like I've just gained 20-30 pounds all of a sudden (I haven't! Promise! :laugh:) instead of like I'm pregnant. I'll be glad when it's obvious I'm pregnant instead of just looking fat.). At least I'm still able to wear size 14 maternity pants! :laugh:)
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    My quote to live by and to help keep me motivated all year and thereafter:

    "Once or twice in our lives we are given a chance to find out how much inner strength we possess.Usually we find out we have far more than we ever imagined."
    WE CAN ALL DO THIS just dig deep and go with it
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Yes, Laila, I'm with Julie - that is fantastic to stop at one KK! I eat about five. Which is why I can't go near a KK, btw. :tongue:
    Julie - congrats on the 14 maternity clothes! I bet you are an adorable 2nd trimester gal! Wow, that first tri went really fast, didn't it? Or is it just me? LOL You probably do not think so!
    Ann - I love the quote! YES! We are doing this!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: A big welcome to the newcomers!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    You may be wondering why I am posting at 3:10am. I just got home from my best friend's 50th birthday party. Yes, fifty, you twenty- and thirty-somethings out there. :grumble: For the record, I am STILL a forty-something! :laugh: Well, anyhoo, I danced ALL night! I had a blast! Stomach flu is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woooohooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sending healing thoughts/prayers my way! I sure needed them. OK back to the party. I was AMAZED at a.) how small my pants were (3x) and b.) how long I danced in them. :noway: I have not had that kind of dance stamina since 1999! :laugh:

    check in:
    cals: the piece of bday cake put me right on the line
    water: 100+ (NO alcohol, sisters! I did it! Made it through a party without the extra calories! Truth be told I was afraid to drink because of the prior flu days! LOL)
    exercise: dancin' my little piggies into a numbing state
    proud: I wore my smaller pants, they fit perfectly, I looked good, and I danced and danced and danced like no one was watchin'!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Did I mention I drank diet orange soda and had no idea it had caffeine in it? OK, enough said. I'm up all night! LOL
  • So I'm a bit of an emotional wreck today....I faced up to the scale this morning and have lost a little bit of weight so, if this holds until Friday, I'm below 230! I think I'm still jetlagged and emotional because I got off the wii board and just cried. I haven't been below 230 since 2004 when I was in college.

    Why didn't I start losing this weight sooner? Why did I let it get this bad? I just know that I can't ever let it get that bad again. I've lost the weight and it is NOT coming back!

    I'm also watching the Biggest Loser and just sobbing - it's probably time for me to take a nap and get over this awful disorientation of being back in the US and back home and in a different time zone.

    I'm starting the routine again tomorrow - checking in at night, working out regularly, and prepping for class. 2011 is the year the remaining 76 pounds are coming off for GOOD.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    :laugh: Allison, are you sure you're not pregnant?! :tongue: I cried at an episode of Teen Mom 2 yesterday. :embarassed: Like.... boohooed uncontrollably for several minutes. :sad: :laugh:

    And Nancy, I can't decide if 1st tri flew by or if time is dragging. Kind of feels like both at the same time somehow.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Checking in :) 15 days strong so far, and am down almost 4 pounds. I am so happy to be focused again! I am sad at how fast my stamina has dropped. In 2009 I got up to 25 min runs in the couch25k, and this year I have having trouble on week one :( I have decided to just do some walking on the treadmill for a few weeks to build myself up slowly.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm not caught up on posts but I just HAD to come share with y'all! I'm officially registered for Warrior Dash in Minnesota!! I'm nervous scared and excited all at the same time!! Ahhh!! I'll catch up on posts in a bit. Just got home from the gym and must shower and do some cleaning! Happy Sunday ladies!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Quick check-in from yesterday. Vacation is hard to be "good"!!

    Cals - OVER - 2723 (900 over maintenance YIKES). Know it's incredibly likely I will have gained at least 1-2 pounds by the time I leave. But that's OK - I'm having a wonderful time!
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - None really
    Proud - I wore my friend Dana's dress. Dana is the one in the pic w/me and is probably a size 4 or 6 or something. I mean, it was a stretchy jersey dress, but I wasn't like a stuffed sausage in it. Pretty cool to know I could wear something from her closet! I'm actually doing it again today - wearing a size "S"! jersey dress. Fun, fun!

    Vacation is awesome. Today we're going down to Orange County for BBQ and a brewery tour. Then tonight we're cooking tacos here at their place and critiquing Golden Globes fashion.

    Happy Sunday friends!
  • :laugh: Allison, are you sure you're not pregnant?! :tongue: I cried at an episode of Teen Mom 2 yesterday. :embarassed: Like.... boohooed uncontrollably for several minutes. :sad: :laugh:

    And Nancy, I can't decide if 1st tri flew by or if time is dragging. Kind of feels like both at the same time somehow.

    Perhaps via immaculate conception!!!! But seriously, I don't *think* so. I got my period in India but it was super light...just 2 days. :noway:

    Teen mom and 16 and pregnant always make me cry. Those stories are awful and the girls always get screwed.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930

    I'm starting the routine again tomorrow - checking in at night, working out regularly, and prepping for class. 2011 is the year the remaining 76 pounds are coming off for GOOD.

    I like that attitude! :flowerforyou:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Good morning, dear friends!

    Hope everyone had a good weekend!

    We had a relaxing weekend here, watched football, did some laundry. Nothing terribly exciting, but I think very much needed. We ordered Italian food from one of my favorite restaurants on Saturday (was CRAVING alfredo). So we ordered one to split and I ate some of my half for dinner and the rest for lunch yesterday. Pretty proud of myself and at the same time kind of sad that at one point not all that long ago, I'd have eaten that whole plate by myself, plus a bunch of bread, plus desert. And now it seems so much easier to eat a normal portion that fills me up. Yaayyy for lifestyle change!

    Another attribute to lifestyle change: I had four Guinness on Friday night and wooo! Can we say tipsy? Adam said our former selves would be so sad to see us now hhaha. Oh well :) Saves on money and calories!

    Nancy - glad you're feeling better and that you had such a great time at your friend's birthday!
    Cris - I hope your foot is feeling better
    Jess - Good luck in MN!! It sounds like so much fun!
    Lauren - Yay for the size S!! :)
    Allison - Welcome back! Jet lag does that to me too, occasionally. A couple years ago, I flew just from Columbus, OH to Richmond, VA and when I got to the hotel I was a complete disaster. I hope India was a blast though!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning gals

    Allison - Welcome home !!

    Julie - COngrats on the 2nd trimester, I really think soon you will looke preggers ..i always found the key is maternity clothes , especially the tops they will make the baby bump more noticible :smile:

    So i totally lost it this weekend i ate wayyy too much. I went to spin and some strenthg on sat so that made up for a little of my craiziness but nothing on sunday..

    Serena is not feeling good she started hacking and runny nose last night, i am keeping her home today, they are off of school so she was going to day care anyway, it is 17.00 extra $ so figure why spend 17 if she is going to miserable let her rest and hopfully she will be better by tomorrow...Then i started feeling icky too :sad: my throat started hurting this morning.

    So scale is up like 3 1/2 lbs which i know is mostly sodium due to what i ate this weekend...Looks like i won't work out today #1 because serena is home sick and #2 i am not feeling that hot.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
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